1/32 Hasegawa Bf 109G-6 - Swiss Air Force
By Matt McDougall

Built this one last fall from the Hasegawa Bf 109G-14 kit (Swiss G-6s were retrofitted with the Erla hood and tall tail), using a combination of the Victory Productions decal sheet and Scale Precision custom masks.
A very small number of 109G-6s were given to Switzerland in exchange for their destroying of a Bf 110G carrying a top secret radar. The Gustavs were considered buggy and poorly built compared to the Emils still in service. J-704's strange and very non-G-like livery was likely the result of an accident that heavily damaged the aircraft and required a somewhat-rebuild. And the candy cane neutrality stripes were designed to hopefully keep allied fighters from blowing them out of the sky.
Paints were more-or-less Gunze throughout.
Aftermarket was kinda-extensive. Quickboost guns and exhausts, RB radiator mesh PE, RB harneses. Aires wheels. Eagle Editions supercharger sucker.
© Matt McDougall 2013
This article was published on Sunday, August 04 2013; Last modified on Sunday, August 04 2013