Tamiya 1/32 Spitfire IX MH737
By Andrew Thorne

This is the cure for modellers block. This is the first model I have totally finished in a long time. There was some firsts for me on this build. The use of MDC lead wire which was fantastic. It was used in the cockpit and a lot on the engine. It was also the very first time I have used blu tac for masking the camo. I wish I had tried this sooner, as it works a treat. No more freehand airbrushing for me! Another first on this was the use of Windsor and Newton matt varnish and flow improver.
Everything came together on this model, and without blowing my own trumpet I think its the best I have done so far. Weathering was kept to a minimum on this. I love the look of a clean Spitfire.
© Andrew Thorne 2013
This article was published on Wednesday, July 31 2013; Last modified on Wednesday, July 31 2013