Hobbycraft 1/32 A-36A Apache - RAF 1437 Strategic Recce Flt
By Tony O'Toole

This is the Hobbycraft A-36A Apache kit built as an aircraft used by the RAF`s 1437 Strategic Reconnaissance Flight in North Africa and Italy.
This one has been sat on my shelf of doom for quite a while as unfortunately the plastic used in this kit was atrocious and would not respond to any type of polystyrene cement whatsoever! Cyano super glue would only just hold the parts together but the joints are still very susceptible to cracking open and have done on so quite a few occasions! The paints used were Humbrol enamel Olive Drab and Neutral Grey which were brush painted as usual.
I have the Mustang Mk.Ia version to build yet (thanks to a very kind Britmodeller in Canada...cheers Michael). but may have a bit of a break now before starting it and anyway I cannot decide between giving it a desert colour scheme (which I know next to nothing about but actually do like!) or a NW European scheme circa 1944-45!
PS - One of the propellers keeps snapping off and it seems to have slipped again in some of the pics...sorry!
© Tony O'Toole 2013
This article was published on Friday, July 26 2013; Last modified on Friday, July 26 2013