"Almost Out Of Box!" Group Build Gallery
By Kevin Futter

The Almost Out of Box! Group Build ran from 1 July 2012 until 30 June 2013. Nine members managed to finish eleven models during the GB, and we present them here for posterity, in no particular order. The images have been taken from the Almost Out of Box! Group Build Gallery.
First up we have Anders and his French Hasegawa F6F-5 Hellcat (build thread):

Only two photos as the model has since come to an untimely end.
Next up is the first of Dave's two finished builds, an Atlantic Dauntless (build thread):

Dave's second finished entry was his "Za Rodinu" MiG-3 (build thread):

Brad Gaff is up next with his Nationalist Chinese Ki-44 (build thread):

Next we have Graeme and his Revell Seafire (build thread):

Brian Leitch is next cab off the rank with his De Havilland CHC II Beaver N888BH (build thread):
Dan Cooper finished his Revell Tiger Moth in striking yellow (build thread):

Next up we have the first of Karl's two finished builds, the F-84 Thunderjet (build thread):

Karl's second finished build was the Czech Model F-80 Shooting Star (build thread):

Forum member moksha finished his excellent PCM Spitfire XIV (build thread):

And lastly we have Taffyman's Cuban Sea Fury from the Hobbycraft kit (build thread):

Congratulations to those who finished a build, and to everyone else who participated.
This article was published on Thursday, July 25 2013; Last modified on Thursday, July 25 2013