Hasegawa 1/32 Fw 190D-9 Walter Kropp JG 301
By Mal Belford

Here's my No. 7 finished build since my restart last year (haven't built in 19 years). It's a Hasegawa second-hand bought unbuilt kit (most of my builds are second-hand unbuilt kits). All the inignias, swastika, numbers are painted using airbrush and masking tape, used only few decals, warning markings and so on.
Tried new weathering ideas have a picture in my head how they looked like. No one really knows how these planes actually looked like, so I used my artistic mind and qualified guessing.
The antenna wire is supposed to be slack, but prefer stretched, easier to handle the model and so on, so it isn't anything I've missed.
© Mal Belford 2013
This article was published on Monday, July 15 2013; Last modified on Friday, June 02 2017