Wingnut Wings DH.2
By Mike Swinburne

Here is my newly completed Wingnut Wings DH.2, from "The Duelists" combo set which also includes a Fokker E.III.
There is only one markings option included for the DH.2 in the combo set, whereas the "standard" release of the kit has the usual five marking schemes. This aircraft represents one with a replacement lower left wing taken from a spare upper wing of another DH.2.
Paints are as follows:
- Simulated wood: Burnt Sienna oil paint over Tamiya Desert yellow, sealed with Model Master acrylic clear coats before and after the oil was applied.
- Engine and gun: Model Master metalizers, hand painted and accented with Tamiya black panel line accent.
- Fuselage side panels: Tamiya Buff to simulate fabric, with a dark green oil paint brushed on top.
- Anything else: Tamiya acrylics.
- Rigging is all done with EZ line and this was my first attempt at rigging a biplane. Talk about jumping into the fire!
You've probably read about, or seen first-hand, the quality of the Wingnut kits, and this one is no different. To emphasize the true quality of the WNW's engineering, a few things you should know:
- Rigging aside, this kit is a *very* easy build. The tail booms have a strong connection into the wings.
- No tools of any sort, aside from the old Mk.I eyeball, were used to align the wings during assembly or the tail boom assembly.
- The kit is so well designed that the alignment turned out perfect with no effort on my part whatsoever. If this point seems redundant with the point above, that's because I want to emphasize just how well designed this is. I'm not a patient builder and tend to rush assembly of all kits I build, so the fact that the alignment turned out so even is a testament purely to Wingnut and not me!
© Mike Swinburne 2013
This article was published on Thursday, July 11 2013; Last modified on Friday, July 12 2013