Hasegawa 1/32 P-47D-25, 56th. FG 1944
By John Bardwell

This is the Hasegawa kit with a few add-ons such as Avionix cockpit and Master Model gun barrels. I also added FineMolds seat belts which I find much easier to work with than photo etched. I didn't do a couple of things that I would normally do such as add the wiring on the engine and the clear glass wingtip lights. I just didn't feel like fooling with those. I did however decide to add the braces and actuator rods for the cowl flaps using strip plastic and plastic rod. The decals are in the Kagero The P-47 with the USAAF book and are really nice. National markings, which are not included, are from my spares folders. Paint is Alclad. At any rate, I'm satisfied with the results. Hope you like it too.
© John Bardwell 2013
This article was published on Tuesday, June 11 2013; Last modified on Wednesday, March 09 2016