A6M2-N Rufe (Tamiya Conversion)
By Rick Kranias

1:32 Tamiya A6M2b Zero conversion to A6M2-N Rufe.
- A6M2-N Rufe Y2-102
- 452nd Air Fleet
- Aquatic Airbase Shumushu, North Kuril Nov 1942 – January 1945*
*Assigned to Seaplane Tender – Kamikawa Maru, Feb 1943 – May 1943
Y2-102 served as an interceptor for defending fuel depots at the Shumushu Island base North Kurile and served aboard seaplane carrier Kamikawa Manu.
- First complete build from box in over 30 years, officially returning to my childhood hobby
- First using resin
- First using Photo Etch
- First using Masks
- First using Double Action Airbrush
- First using Acrylic Paints
At age 17 I took a 1:72 scale A6M Zero and attached floats from a OS2U Kingfisher. Vac-u-formed canopy and applied thinned wash weathering techniques for the first time. This model was my pride and joy.
I took advantage of this opportunity to do a conversion with Tamiya's epic 1:32 A6M2b. In the end it was truly an enjoyable build with plenty of drama and angst.
- MDC CV32039 A6M2-N Rufe Conversion
- Eduard Big Ed 3251: Engine, Landing Flaps, Interior and Canopy Mask.
- Air Master AM-32/006 A6M5 Type 97 7.7mm MG.
- CMK 5003 A6M5 Armament Set 60kg bombs, PE Stabilizers and Fuse Spinners.
- Maketar Masks Imperial Japanese Hinomaru Roundels mask set and Custom mask for tail number
- Upper Tamiya XF-11 JN Green
- Lower Tamiya XF-12 JN Grey
- Interior Tamiya XF – 71 Cockpit Green
- Engine Alclad Magnesium, Burnt Iron, Exhaust Manifold, MIG pigments
- Propeller Alclad Airframe Aluminum, Exhaust Manifold 24 parts + Copper 6 parts, Dark Aluminum, Dura Aluminum
- Cowling Frames, Inside Cowling, Inside Landing Flaps Blue Aotake: Tamiya Clear Smoke 11 parts + Clear Blue 10 parts + Clear Green 1 part
- 60kg Bombs Mr. Surfacer 500 stippled with short stiff brush for texture then painted with Vallejo Model Air Olive Grey (RLM71)
- Hinomaru Vallejo Air Color: Red (RLM23) 20 parts + Vallejo Air Color: Fire Red 1 part
- Wing ID Bands and Tail Number Vallejo Air Color: Yellow 20 parts + Vallejo Model Color: Bright Orange 4 parts
© Rick Kranias 2013
This article was published on Wednesday, May 29 2013; Last modified on Wednesday, May 29 2013