RAAF 76 Squadron Mirage IIIO and Atar 9C Turbojet
By Mick Dewar

Thought I’d post my first serious modelling attempt, Revell’s infamous 1/32 Mirage III. The model portrayed is A3-40, a Mirage IIIO of 76 Squadron, RAAF with an Atar9C engine on a change out trolley.
For those in the know, 76 Squadron’s aircraft were camouflaged late in 76 Squadron’s life and carried a clean, satin finish; hence the absence of heavy weathering.
The kit was supplemented with the following aftermarket bits and pieces:
- Fisher cockpit and Mk4 ejection seat;
- Eric Galliers’ R530;
- Revell, Flying High and AeroDecal Decals;
- SAC landing gear.

The following items were scratch built:
- Vertical stabiliser (the kit tail is incorrect and shows up with tail flashes applied);
- Pitot tube and air data sensors;
- Wheel wells and well covers;
- Various air scoops, vents, IFF antenna, cannon suppression rings, ground mapping radar and air brakes;
- AIM-9B sidewinders and rails;
- Engine tailpipe and afterburner flame bars;
- Landing lights;
- Access ladder.

The Atar 9C turbojet is built from the following components (both modified to match the correct dimensions):
- Matterhorn Circle (M-C) Afterburner and tail pipe;
- Compressor and turbine section from the kit engine (heavily cut and shut).
The engine stand is 100% scratch built using Evergreen strips and aluminium tube.
It took about two years to complete. After completing the decals, I took it out to the shed for the final satin clear coat and went to make some adjustments to the bench position. For reasons beyond me, I reefed the work bench up, tossed the Mirage across the shed and inflicted serious damage to the nose, canopy and wings. Four weeks and a shed full of expletives later it was safely tucked away behind glass.
© Mick Dewar 2013
This article was published on Thursday, May 23 2013; Last modified on Sunday, April 03 2016