Hasegawa Bf 109G-5/U2 - Carganico's last Mickey Mouse
By Kyrre Ingebrethsen

Model kit: Hasegawa Bf 109G-10
Decals: Mostly various Eagle Cal
Paint: Mostly Xtracrylic, but also Testors acrylics and Future mixed up with various paints
Aftermarket: Quickboost exhausts
Conversions: In order to make this early AS-engined Bf 109G-5/U2 I shaved and sanded off the lower cowling bumps, made the oil cooler less deep, and made a new left nose bit to get the oil filler cap lower. I also did some rescribing, like the diagonal panel lines behind the gun troughs.
There is a build thread for this model in the LSP forums.
© Kyrre Ingebrethsen 2013
This article was published on Saturday, March 09 2013; Last modified on Sunday, May 19 2013