Trumpeter 1/32nd F-14D Tomcat "Grim Reapers"
By Daniel Sahling

The F-14 has always been my favorite airplane, and since I got back into modeling I haven't done one until now. The Trumpeter kit was FANTASTIC, just make sure you install the landing gear during the build and don't wait until the end! For extras I used the Aires resin cockpit, exhaust nozzles, Wolfpack ejection seats, and Fightertown decals. I scratch built the plumbing on the landing gear. Paints were done with Mr. Color. Before I began this build I wanted a heavily weathered F-14, and remembered seeing a photo of the VF-101 Grim Reapers Tomcat that was perfect, there were also great reference photos of all angles which made the painting much easier.
As for the walkways I mixed a combination of Testors liquid putty with Mr Surfacer, and then a little Mr Color dark grey for the other side. I mixed them up, then took a stuff bristled brush, and then tapped it into the appropriate shape. I know the Grim Reapers don't often carry a full missile and bomb load, but I just couldn't do a Tomcat without a Phoenix, its a badass looking missile. Since, its an F-14D, I needed to add a couple LGBs... artistic license.
Here's some of the other photos of the landing gear, cockpit, and Bombcat pylons. I also forgot to add in the beginning description I used the Wolfpack Bombcat set as well as CAM resin GBU-12s.
© Daniel Sahling 2013
This article was published on Tuesday, March 05 2013; Last modified on Tuesday, March 01 2016