"Empire of the Rising Sun" Group Build Gallery
By Kevin Futter

The Empire of the Rising Sun Group Build ran from 1 March 2009 until 31 August 2009. Nine members managed to finish 12 models during the GB, and we present them here for posterity, in no particular order. The images have been taken from the Empire of the Rising Sun Group Build Gallery.
First up we have Big Matt with his Hasegawa Ki-84 Frank (build thread):

Rick (vvwse4) completed not one but two for the GB. Here are his Oscar and Tony builds (build thread):

Ruzlkampf (Russ) completed no less than three builds for the Group Build. The first is his Ki-43 Oscar from the Hasegawa kit (build thread):

Russ's second completion was the Hasegawa Frank (build thread):

Russ's last finished entry was a Hasegawa Komet transformed into a J8M1 (build thread):

Erwin completed his Revell J2M3 Raiden "Jack" (build thread):

Azgaron finished his Revell A6M5 Zero (build thread):

SciFi58 also built the Hasegawa Ki-84 'Frank' (build thread):

wingman777 finished his Swallow George kit, complete with motorized prop and diorama (build thread):

Logan181 also completed a Shiden-Kai N1K1J "George" kit (build thread):

David Jones built the Hasegawa Ki-84 Type 4 Frank with painted markings from Montex (build thread):

Congratulations to those who finished a build, and to everyone else who participated.
This article was published on Sunday, December 23 2012; Last modified on Thursday, May 16 2013