MDC | 1/32 Hawker Typhoon
Reviewed by Jay Laverty

It may come in an unassuming, nondescript box, but this model is just about as far from nondescript as it gets. A couple of years in the making, this kit has to be just about one of the most eagerly anticipated resin releases for some time now. Aside from being well worth the wait, this model certainly lives up to all of the expectation.
Once the box is open the contents look back with the faint beckoning "build me, build me" silently ringing in your ears. I have a tendency to be very enthusiastic about models that are a. of subjects I like and b. of superior craftsmanship, and this model scores highly on both counts.

Brian Fawcett mastered the patterns for this model, and he deserves allot of credit for a job very well done. There are some details on this model that are the epoch of skill in this hobby, and I was particularly pleased wit the Instrument panel, and the Rudder pedal mechanisms. The cockpit is excellently done as well.
The only part of the cockpit I thought wasn't perfect was the seat, but there is some warpage there so I will wait and see how it looks after I reshape it. Some other serious highlights include the tailwheel, and the flaps. Pretty much the entire kit is a highlight really. I was also really impressed with the inclusion of a three bladed prop as well as four bladed. One will definitely end up on my Revell kit.

The wings are solid and completely detailed, with the wheel wells jumping out at me as one very good reason why a well done resin model is the best way to represent a detailed scale replica. Nay concerns about the weight of the model are immediately alleviated with the inclusion of some very sturdy brass undercarriage legs, which are combined with some incredibly detailed details in resin that will make this one of the real focal points of this model.

There were a couple of points on the model that I could comment on not being perfect, and it feels almost criminal to say it, as I could myself not master something of this overall quality myself. There were a couple of points of the scribing that I thought looked somewhat uncommitted. Knowing what a difficult task scribing is I can definitely understand it not being perfect over the entire model. One has to keep in mind that it isn't a laser guided press doing the panel lines on this model, it is one very hard working and very skilled modeller. Besides if necessary there isn't a great deal to be enhanced, so it wouldn't take long to do.

A pair of vac form canopies are included, which is a nice touch if you are the "ham fisted, clumsy" type of modeller that I am, with not enough patience to slowly and properly scribe a vac form canopy the first time round, no matter how many times you make the same mistake.

Fantasy Print shop decals are included and there are several interesting variants to choose from, and there is a scan of these included with this preview to give you an idea of what to expect. Also in decal form are the instrumentation's which is a nice touch, and something I would have liked to have seen more companies do, namely Hasegawa, who provide you with lovely decals but instrument panels with raised detail in the bezels that the decal never sits properly over. Nice one MDC!

Rounding things out is a fret of etched brass representing the Sutton harness, which keeping in line with the rest of the model thus far, is a very well detailed bit of kit and will greatly enhance the seat.
There is some slight warpage of parts spread across the various components that make up the kit, however this is to be expected in any resin model, and is a very simple problem to remedy. As it says in the instruction, resin has a "memory" of sorts, and will reform to it's intended shape after some heat has been applied and the part is left to set.
So, cut to the chase and stop waffling you say, will you just answer this question: "Is this kit worth buying?"
The answer is a resounding "Good God yes" At £60.00 for a model of this high quality, and a 32nd scale subject, when you consider if this were a Trumpeter or Hasegawa release you would get the basics for about £35.00-40.00 and need to spend about the same to get the level of detail included here, this is a massive bargain. Being laid out in two simple fuselage halves, addition of wings and an intelligently laid out order of construction this model combines the best that injection kit's can offer, along with the added detail resin allows. After examining the instructions (which I have to confess aren't the best I have ever seen, sorry Margaret) it is apparent that this will not be a massive project to undertake and will be a relatively quick build.
I am very pleased with this kit and I am very glad to have it. I am going to slow down work on my Stuka and start work on this model now! A very hearty congratulations is due for Brian Fawcett as well as a gracious thanks to MDC for giving us this kit. I hope they have more planned in the future!
© Jay Laverty 2006
This review was published on Saturday, July 02 2011; Last modified on Wednesday, May 18 2016