Eagle Editions | EP26-32: 1/32 Bf 109K Museum Quality Cockpit
Reviewed by Mark Proulx
Eagle Editions has released a new resin cockpit set for the Hasegawa Bf 109K in 1/32nd scale. This is a close up look at this new detail set.
The resin parts are shipped in a small plastic container with two pages of instructions. While photographing for this article, I noticed that the floor was broken. The broken part was not visible in the container and was likely damaged before shipping. I made a call to Eagle Editions and a replacement floor arrived within a week.

The nine step instructions (not shown) are printed over two pages. They are very extensive and the modeler would be advised to study them very closely before starting construction. Text and illustrations explain the construction sequence. This includes photocopy images of the proper cutting locations and fuselage modifications. The instructions also detail how to assemble the photo etch seat belts providing a scale template for the harnesses. Painting instructions are limited to an overall RLM 66 interior. Other references should be consulted for further information.
The new interior is made up of 14 resin parts and a single photo etch fret. It is designed by master pattern maker Greg Cooper. The first thing I noticed about this set is its relative simplicity. All the detail is finely molded onto each part. I am sure with some good drybrushing a stunning cockpit can be achieved.

The major components consist of the floor, forward and rear bulkheads and two sidewalls. The floor has many small details cast onto it. This includes ruder pedal supports and control column boot. It is notched to fit nicely into the rear bulkhead and forward bulkheads.

The rear bulkhead requires careful removal from its casting block with a razor saw. Like the floor, this resin part is also superbly cast incorporating the conformal seat back and harness fittings. The seat bucket is patterned after a surviving example in Jerry Crandall's collection. It should be easy to remove from its casting block. Like the rear bulkhead, small details are quite visible. The modeler has the option of pivoting the seat up, just like the real aircraft.

The left and right sidewalls are a testament to Greg Cooper's craftsmanship. All details are molded onto each sidewall. There is no visible flash. The only effort required here is to remove the casting block on the upper portions of each wall. In addition, the kit fuselage sides will need to be thinned down to accept the sidewalls with this level of detail. The only original Hasegawa item used is the trim wheel. Items such as the oxygen hose, electrical wiring and various linkages are clearly evident.

The forward bulkhead is notched to fit into the resin floor. It contains the unique Bf 109K breech cover and firewall. This is cast as a single item. Close examination of the cover reveals a strap with clasp and weld beads around its circumference.

The main instrument panel consists of two parts. The upper piece requires that the gun sight be attached. This consists of a support and sight. A separate lower bomb control panel makes up the rest of the instrument panel. A unique feature of the Bf 109K is that the bomb control panel could be pivoted upwards to allow access to the cannon. This feature can be incorporated into the model. Markings for the instruments are not included, though they do come with the model.
The final resin items provided are two resin quarter panels for the windscreen and control stick. The level of detail on these items matches that found with all other rein parts in the set.

The photo etch fret includes two rudder pedals and buckles for the harness. The instructions provide complete details on assembly. The harness can be made from foil or paper using the template provided. The shoulder harnesses can be draped outside the cockpit as is seen in many photos. This is possible due to the accurate attachments provided on the rear upper deck.
This detail set is identified as a museum quality cockpit. I can't think of a more fitting title. It is highly detailed, yet simplistic in design. I wouldn't recommend this set to beginners due to some of the modifications required to the fuselage. Those with previous resin experience should have no difficulty. To say I am impressed with this resin set from Eagle Editions would be an understatement. The level of detail stands as an example for others to achieve.
Review sample compliments of Eagle Editions.
© Mark Proulx 2004
This review was published on Saturday, July 02 2011; Last modified on Wednesday, May 18 2016