Trumpeter 1/32 A-10A Thunderbolt II
By Luc Janssen

This Trumpeter kit is an older one and it is definitely not Trumpeter’s best. The parts are rather crude, composed more difficultly and not very accurate. Furthermore, the fit of the different parts is not good and a lot of putty together with sanding- and scribing work is needed.
I opted for a A-10A in a the two-tone gray scheme with some flying time, so some weathering and dirt build-up can be simulated. The model is not equipped for an attack mission, but for a travel trip. With after market sets from Cutting Edge, I improved the details and the looks of the cockpit, the canopy, the engines and the wheels.
I added some details and wiring on the landing gear and gave some detail to its bays. The sides of the flaps were improved and the actuators added. In the flap housings the airframe ribs were installed, but unfortunately nothing can be seen once the model is placed on a base plate. The ACMI-pod was scratch built from a Sidewinder body and the baggage pod was made from a napalm bomb from the kit. The base was kept simple, but some wheel chocks and boxes lying around were added to create some colour.
After Market Sets
Following sets were added:
- Cutting Edge: A-10A Super Detailed Cockpit.
- Cutting Edge: A-10A Exterior Detailing Set.
- Cutting Edge: Bulged Wheels.
I used paints from Alclad, Humbrol, ModelMaster, Vallejo and Model Air.
Decals came from:
- The kit.
- Kagero Topshots magazine.
- Daco decal sheet (superb stencilling).
- Two Bobs for the AIM-9L/M – ACMI pod.
- The spare decal box.
- The Modern Hog Guide – Reid Air Publications.
- Squadron/Signal Publications 17 – Walk Around A-10 Warthog.
- Air Data 4 – Fairchild A-10 Warthog.
- Kagero Topshots – A-10 Thunderbolt II.
- The internet.

For questions, comments or remarks, go to:
© Luc Janssen 2020
This article was published on Friday, June 26 2020; Last modified on Friday, June 26 2020