Wingnut Wings 1/32 DH.9 'Ninak'
By Ben Schwab

This is my Wingnut Wings DH.9 COVID-19 quarantine build and I am pretty happy with the way this one turned out. As with my last three builds, no real weathering to speak of. Build is mostly OOB with the exception of HGW seatbelts in addition to the Vickers and double Lewis guns courtesy of Eduard Brassin. Sorry, I didn't get any photos of the underside - I'm too damn scared to flip it upside down!
As I mentioned in the introduction for the Junkers D.1 build I posted earlier, I'm really not at the point where I build for historical accuracy so this bird has features that were not included on the "IF" scheme outlined in the manual (wheel covers and double Lewis guns). These recent Wingnut Wings builds are all going into the display case for basically only me to look at so I decided I can live with it because I like the way it looks!
© Ben Schwab 2020
This article was published on Sunday, May 10 2020; Last modified on Sunday, May 10 2020